Tag Archives: force

6 Ways To Prevent Postpartum Depression | BlackDoctor

If you're pregnant or have recently given birth, you should be screened for depression, a new U.S. Preventative Task Force recommendation says. Depression during pregnancy and postpartum is real — even if it isn't a …

Engaging women with mental health conditions in health care …

Laura Line, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Maternity Care Coalition. This post is part of “Mental Health: The Missing Piece in Maternal Health,” a blog series co-hosted by the MHTF, the Mental Health Innovation Network at …

Don't Mess with Moms Who've Suffered Postpartum Depression …

Don't Mess with Moms Who've Suffered Postpartum Depression #meditateonthis When you claim there's some sort of global conspiracy against a minority population, you probably should have some, you know, actual data to …

Study ties insurgency phase of Iraq War to higher PTSD rates

Then they analyzed whether veterans who fought during the insurgency phase, during which more guerilla-style tactics were used, were more likely to develop PTSD than those who deployed during the initial invasion phase …

Feminist: 'Science' Says There Are Zero Links Between Abortion and …

To demonstrate the past rebuttals of the link between abortion and mental health problems, Marcotte provides a link to a summarization of the American Psychological Association (APA)'s Executive Summary of the APA Task …