Tag Archives: edward

'The PTSD stems from this dirty work': new film documents regretful …

Speaking at the Berlin film festival, documentarian Sonia Kennebeck discusses her Wim Wenders-produced film National Bird, which reveals widespread post-traumatic stress disorder among employees of the US's drone …

Mental illness and homelessness – fiscal myopia strikes again | Bill …

The mentally ill fall into this category. Most of us are ill equipped to handle a fellow citizen in deep mental crisis shaking and frothing in front of us. It is an incredibly confronting situation that makes most of us deeply …

Why can't we treat mental illness by fixing the brai… – Aeon

Our understanding and treatment of mental disorders is primitive. Why is that? The burden on our society is huge. A quarter of women will have an episode of depression at some stage in their lives (it's about half that for men).

Patrick Kennedy memoir about family addiction and mental illness …

A book by the former congressman has upset family members over his portrayal of secrecy, substance abuse and mental illness.

5 Ridiculous Myths You Probably Believe About Schizophrenia …

We wanted to know what it was like to deal with schizophrenia on day-to-day basis, so we sat down with a woman who suffers from it.