Tag Archives: department

Senate tackles mental health care reform | Occupy The Bronx

A Senate panel took up the issue of mental health care Thursday, discussing legislation promoted by Sen. Chris Murphy to overhaul the system, an unusual move since Congress hasn't tackled comprehensive reform in decades. While a …

Sen. Chris Murphy Confident Mental Health Reform Bill Will Win …

For the first time since the 2012 Sandy Hook school shootings, the U.S. Senate on Thursday held a hearing on legislation to overhaul the nation's mental health system. "The train is officially out of the station and on the tracks,'' …

Responsiveness essential for mental health care in Iran

The Iranian mental health system should pay more attention to responding to non-medical expectations of service users. The measurement of responsiveness can inform us how well the mental health care system interacts …

Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia Linked to Worse Outcome …

Negative symptoms in patients with schizophrenia are associated with an increased likelihood of hospital admission, longer duration of admission, and an.

How Slavery's Legacy Affects the Mental Health of Black Americans …

Events like Charleston put a spotlight on the growing body of literature that looks not only at the United States' failure to have authentic conversations about slavery and its legacy but also at the mental health impact of …