New York City First Lady Chirlane McCray on Friday announced a new program to provide mental health care for thousands of New Yorkers.
Tag Archives: current
Stigma remains, says former Hong Kong mental illness patient …
People who have recovered from mental illness still live under the shadow of stigma, according to one Hong Kong woman with first-hand experience of the condition. “The pressure is invisible. You don't know how others look …
FF will prioritise the delivery of mental health services – Fianna Fáil
Fianna Fáil has today published proposals aimed at reforming the delivery of mental health services. The 'Improving Mental Health' policy document will bring about a community approach to the delivery of mental health …
Emotion dysregulation in borderline personality disorder: A problem …
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a diagnostic label applied to people who have problems regulating emotional mood swings. This emotional instability leaves such individuals vulnerable to emotional upheaval that …
Analyzing kids' hair may help predict risk of mental illness — RT News
Aussie researchers have found that the number and types of traumatic events experienced by kids earlier in childhood – such as an injury, severe illness and death in the family – correlate with the levels of the “stress …