Tag Archives: criminal

Despite law, mentally ill wait in jail without treatment | Minnesota …

Legislation attempted to ensure that inmates with mental illness would wait no longer than two days for treatment. It helped some, but not all.

Police Violence Raises Concern Over Access to Mental Health …

Services Are Not Available Where People Need Them. According to WBEZ analysis from June 2015, many of the police districts with the most mental health 911 calls, are also the districts with the fewest mental health services.

The Mistake of Removing Mental Illness From The Discussion …

There are a couple of things in common in some mass killings. One is that a weapon is used. The other is that the person doing the killing suffers from mental illness. The former is the “real problem” in some discussions.

Public figures sign letter seeking equality for mental health | Society …

“We accept, and urge ministers to accept, that this will require additional investment in mental health services,” the letter states. “But we are strongly persuaded that sustained investment in mental health services will lead to …