Tag Archives: black

Michelle Obama Takes A Stand On Mental Health | News One

In her piece, she also salutes Her Royal Highness, Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge for her own initiative to highlight the importance of young children's mental health. Both the First Lady and the Duchess wrote pieces as part of the Young Minds Matter editorial series for the site to raise awareness. Michelle Obama also talked about the importance of acknowledging mental health troubles within families – instead of downplaying them: Sadly, too often, the stigma …

21 Black People Give Their Best Advice For Taking Care Of Your …

One of the major things holding me back from pursuing more mental health care and (more so) medicinal intervention is how people will interpret my seeking a prescription. Black people are already considered “delinquents,” …

We need to talk about mental illness, community forum told | Share …

Mental health issues, if left ignored by parents, could destroy children's lives and even lead to death as almost was the case with Karen Carrington who migrated with her parents from Trinidad & Tobago to Ottawa in the 1970s.

5 Ridiculous Myths You Probably Believe About Schizophrenia …

We wanted to know what it was like to deal with schizophrenia on day-to-day basis, so we sat down with a woman who suffers from it.