Tag Archives: author

Mental illness is always a problem, so we will always need books …

The current prominence of mental illness on bookshelves is good for all of us – so it's important that reading about it is not a passing fad, writes Joanna Cannon.

5 Ways Mental Illness Labels Have Helped Me — Everyday Feminism

When this author was diagnosed with a mental illness, she felt something you might not expect: relief. So instead of criticizing someone for using mental illness labels, find out how they can be helpful.

PTSD is From B.C. – New York Observer

The Greeks knew that it wasn't safe to break down in tears during battle.

PTSD Is From B.C. | | Observer

Like most male citizens of his generation, Sophocles was deeply familiar with war and military life, as well as the challenges faced by veterans returning from deployment. In addition to writing tragedies like Antigone, …

Life Bugs and the need to find Some Stress Hacks

As you go through life there comes a good deal of maturity – that is to say that you make better decisions and enjoy life based on rational learning experiences over many years, through trial and error where learning from mistakes and through the luck of close shaves or the misfortunes in life from …