Tag Archives: artist

Conquering Mental Illness Through Art – Fine Art Tips

Contrary to popular belief, mental illness can be overcome through art. Artist David Sandum is a shining example of this. In his new book, “I'll Run Till The Sun Goes Down,” David shares an intimate journey of courage, …

My son's struggle with OCD showed me the unfairness people with …

Improving mental health services would have a massive impact on the wellbeing of the country, the economy – and families like mine.

An Instagram Battles Mental Illness So Beautifully It Became an Art …

Artist and photographer Melissa Spitz uses photography to capture her mother's mental illness. Her work was featured at Instagram #MyStory gallery.

Scattershot: My Bipolar Family

The Glass Castle meets An Unquiet Mind in a mesmerizing, loving memoir about growing up in a family plagued by bipolar disorder. Four out of the five people in poet David Lovelace’s immediate family have experienced bipolar disorder including David himself. His relationship with the disease began wi …

Seeing God

God questions Job – Artist unknown TODAY’S SPECIAL: Job 39:19-40:6 TO CHEW ON: “Then Job answered the Lord and said, ‘Behold I am vile; What shall I answer You? I lay my hand over my mouth.'” Job 40:3-4 Here we see a Job quite unlike the cocky self-assured man who said, “I would declare to Him the n …