Tag Archives: after

Schizoaffective Disorder and Dealing With A Crisis | Creative …

Schizoaffective disorder/schizophrenia and dealing with a crisis can be challenging. My brain is always making up crises. I can't turn them off even though I know they are part of my schizoaffective and general anxiety …

The Top 5 Realities of Dating Someone With a Mental Illness | World …

Are you dating someone, but a little nervous about pursuing a relationship because he or she has a mental illness? Let our reality check help you out.

Cutting the Soul: A journey into the mental illness of a teenager …

Mothers of those with mental illness share a special burden that they rest of us can only begin to imagine. They have raised and loved a person, but that person seems to have disappeared. In her book, Cutting the Soul: A …

Hayden Panettiere Checks Into Rehab Center Citing Postpartum …

Hayden Panettiere—an actress currently portraying a character suffering from postpartum depression on the ABC show Nashville—has reportedly checked into a rehab center citing postpartum depression.

Switch to mania after ayahuasca consumption in a man with bipolar …

The presence of preexisting hypomanic episodes, the presence of a positive family history of bipolar disorder, the absence of associated neurovegetative symptoms, and the fact that ayahuasca psychotic episodes are rare …