Tag Archives: african

Are you Responsible for Your Actions when you Have Bipolar …

Having bipolar disorder is extremely difficult and I feel irritable when I watch the news or read an article online. I have been feeling quite disillusioned.

Bipolar Disorder and Misreading Situations | bpHope – bp Magazine …

Before coming under the grips of bipolar disorder I thought I was pretty good at reading people and situations. I worked in sales and did pretty well. Even.

A kid, a stolen cellphone, and invisible faces of mental illness …

In fact, as I researched news coverage of mental health issues here in the last decade or so, I could find only one African-American whose story was publicized and whose story generated a fair amount of sympathy: Royce …

Race a factor in repeated victimizations of people with mental illness …

African Americans who are mentally ill are at greater risk of being repeatedly victimized than are mentally ill white people, according to criminologists at Georgia State University. The researchers found the rate of recurring …

Canine PTSD: how the US military's use of dogs affects their mental …

In 2014 about 5-10% of deployed military working dogs showed signs of canine PTSD – but the disorder can affect dogs far away from battlefields too.