Category Archives: Welcome

Keller @ Large: Mental Illness Needs To Be Treated With More …

At best, we try to ignore it; at worst, we mock it, or shun it.

Mental illness is always a problem, so we will always need books …

The current prominence of mental illness on bookshelves is good for all of us – so it's important that reading about it is not a passing fad, writes Joanna Cannon.

Another hole in PTSD. | Dark Brightness

The idea of Post traumatic stress disorder is that there is a direct and causal effect between the trauma and the psychological symptoms it causes. This has often been challenged, as the current criteria for PTSD can include …

Why Disability Rights California is suing Pasadena Unified School …

A disability rights group has filed a class-action lawsuit against the Pasadena Unified School District alleging the school discriminates against students with behavioral issues by removing them from their local schools.

Next: Identifying and treating the brain roots of mental illness …

Mental Illness – One Treatment to Cure Them All, One Network to Bind Them? (BrainBlogger): "Imagine: A cure all for ALL mental illnesses… sounds illogical,