Category Archives: Welcome

Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Exercise | Creative …

I never thought that exercise could really help my schizoaffective disorder. Now I know better. I've been running every day for a little over two months, and it has drastically cut down on the breakthrough episodes I have with …

Mental Illness & The Male Gaze – Anne Thériault | Guerrilla Feminism

Lord knows I'd wanted to like it; as someone who is both a writer and a woman living with mental illness, I probably idolize La Plath more than I should and am always eager for more media about her. The problem was that this …

When Your Roommate Has Bipolar Disorder | Relationships and …

Those effects can be felt more acutely by those who live with someone suffering with a mental illness. When your roommate has bipolar disorder — or any other mental illness — they may unwittingly be responsible for taking …

Mental health services under 'huge pressure' amid budget cuts …

Mental health services are under "huge pressure", a leading think tank has said, as it called for an end to cuts which it said could be responsible for a decline in the quality of care in the sector.

Mental health budget cuts putting services under 'huge pressure …

Mental health budget cuts putting services under 'huge pressure'. Evidence of poor quality care is widespread, with less 20% of people feeling they received appropriate support in a crisis, says thinktank. Cost-cutting measure …