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Category Archives: Stigma
Tips on Bipolar Disorder and Planning | Breaking Bipolar …
Planning with bipolar is tough, use these tips to successfully plan if you have bipolar disorder.
10 steps to mental health equality | Comment is free | The Guardian
After public figures signed a letter demanding parity of esteem for mental health care, here are 10 things that need to change to end the crisis.
Mental Health Awareness Month | GSAÉD
November is Mental Health Awareness Month and, to shed some light on mental health issues on campus, GSAÉD is bringing you a series of events! This year we have a variety of events to help you de-stress, learn the signs …
Antipsychiatry, Stigma And Schizoaffective Disorder | Creative …
Antipsychiatry stigma can affect people with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. And having schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder is hard enough without having people tell you that you shouldn't be taking your …