Category Archives: Stigma

Pregnancy May Help Reduce PTSD Symptoms | Psych Central News

Expectant mothers are typically thrilled, but they often carry a fair amount of worry. That would seem to especially be the case for women with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). But a new University of Michigan study finds …

Diagnosis of Schizophrenia Ups Risk of Suicide Attempts | Psych …

University of Toronto researchers have discovered that among individuals with schizophrenia, the risk of suicide attempts is significantly elevated. Sadly,

Editorial: Let's talk about funding for mental health care | Ottawa …

It is good that the stigma surrounding mental illness is falling away. But hospitals and other care facilities are still struggling to offer proper care, as shown by the gut-wrenching case of a local teen who was bounced around …

The Costs of Not Caring: How to Fix Our Broken Mental Health Care …

By Shani Dowd, Director, Culture InSight, at the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation and Dr. Nicholas Covino, President of William James College. The mental health system in our country is broken, but this comes as no …

Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Journaling | Creative …

People do a lot of things to help with their schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, including journaling. I believe taking medication and seeing a therapist are the most important strategies. But there are other things besides …