Category Archives: Sleep

Thieves and Liars: PTSD Fraud and the VA | chrishernandezauthor

It's fair to say most of us combat veterans have suspicions about PTSD claims. We've been frustrated by stories of horrible, disabling PTSD from people we know were never in combat. We've heard of troops coming home from …

A Parent's Guide to Understanding Childhood Anxiety | World of …

There are different types of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, separation anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, and phobias. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

Liberal Activism Is Giving Students Panic Attacks, Depression …

A report on the emotional state of Brown University student-protesters—who suffer from suicidal thoughts, sleeplessness, panic attacks, and failing grades as a result of their advocacy—paints a weirdly alarming picture.

How Do Mental Illness Diagnoses Really Compare to Medical …

One of the common complaints I hear about mental illness diagnoses is that they are "unscientific," based upon a bunch of subjective symptoms that are.

Brit award contenders score a hit in the battle against mental health …

Visit link: Brit award contenders score a hit in the battle against mental health …