Category Archives: Sleep

Sleep apnea tied to increased risk of panic disorder – Medical Xpress

(HealthDay)—Sleep apnea seems to be associated with increased risk of subsequent panic disorder, according to a study published in the July/August issue of the Annals of Family Medicine.

Soldier, combat dog share PTSD diagnosis, road to recovery | Article …

Up at 5 a.m., retired Staff Sgt. Matthew Bessler often speaks his first words of the day to his dog, Mike, who lives with him now in Powell, Wyoming, and who has deployed with him twice to Iraq.

My Personal Relationship with Sleep in Bipolar Disorder | bpHope …

I flourish in the morning, and I know it may be partly because I have bipolar disorder and the way my brain is wired. However, I do The routine and quality of sleep is valuable in bipolar disorder. notice that if I keep up this so …

Panic Disorder Linked to Physical Illnesses | Psych Central News

The researchers found a high association between panic disorder, bipolar disorder, and physical illness. Saliently, they discoverer a significantly higher prevalence of certain physical illnesses among patients with panic …

Panic Attacks: Study Reveals The Best Type of Treatment – PsyBlog

Large study compares the effectiveness of different types of therapies for panic disorders. Cognitive behavioural therapy is the best treatment for panic disorders, a new study finds. In addition, most people prefer therapy over …