Category Archives: Sleep

People With Schizophrenia Face Much Higher Risk of Early Death …

WEDNESDAY, Oct. 28, 2015 (HealthDay News) — American adults with schizophrenia face a much higher risk of an early death, particularly from heart and lung diseases associated with smoking, a new study finds. The rise …

Adults with schizophrenia more likely to die; high cardiovascular …

Adults with schizophrenia were more than 3.5 times as likely to die as adults in the general U.S. population, particularly from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, and that implicates tobacco as a modifiable risk factor, …

Dr. Diana Bitner – Postpartum Depression | Fox17

Dr. Diana Bitner talked with us this morning about postpartum depression. She chats about it on her bog at . For more information, you can reach Dr. Bitner at Spectrum Health:.

Psych Central Supports the Bipartisan Mental Health Reform Act of …

mental-health-reform-act-murphy-cassidy-2015 We believe that mental health and behavioral healthcare reforms in the United States are vital. The vision that President Kennedy had in 1963 about accessible mental health …

Google's Latest Hire Has a Creepy Plan to Track Your Mental Health

Google's parent company Alphabet has just hired Thomas Insel, the former head of the National Institute of Mental Health, who has some pretty weird ideas about what his new job will entail. Insel told a crowd at Chicago …