The idea that people might be paying particular attention to what you do makes a lot of kids anxious. Some kids feel so anxious that they develop something called social anxiety disorder, which is diagnosed when you worry so much about …
Category Archives: Schizophrenia
5 Ridiculous Myths You Probably Believe About Schizophrenia …
We wanted to know what it was like to deal with schizophrenia on day-to-day basis, so we sat down with a woman who suffers from it.
Schizophrenia not a single disease but multiple genetically distinct …
C. Robert Cloninger, MD, PhD, pictured in his office at Washington University School of Medicine, is a senior investigator of a study that shows that schizophrenia isn't a single disease but a group of eight genetically distinct …
Is the pattern of brain folding a ‘fingerprint’ for schizophrenia?
Anyone who has seen pictures or models of the human brain is aware that the outside layer, or cortex, of the brain is folded in an intricate pattern of “hills,” called gyri, and “valleys,” called sulci. It turns out that the patterns of cortical folding are largely consistent across healthy humans, broadly speaking. However, disturbances […]
High Maintenance or Histrionic Personality Disorder? | Psych Central
In either instance, chances are that you have encountered the classic histrionic personality disorder. This person exhibits a chronic pattern of attention seeking and excessive emotionality consisting of at least five of the …