Category Archives: Schizophrenia

Eye problems may signal onset of schizophrenia – Futurity

A link between vision problems and schizophrenia is well known, with as many as 62 percent of adult patients with the disorder experiencing some kind of visual distortions involving form, motion, or color. Now researchers say …

Schizophrenia, Love, and Hypomania | Creative … –

As if dating isn't already tough enough, schizoaffective hypomania makes dating and love even harder. Those of us with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder have a lot to deal with when dating. For example, there's the …

Schizophrenia, facts and figures (Infographic) | Monsenso

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that causes different psychological symptoms including hallucinations, delusions, thought disorders and changes in behaviour. Schizophrenia infographic. app for psychiatric illnesshow to …

Living with Panic Attacks | Psych Central

She defined a panic attack as the brain, suddenly and out of the blue, engaging the emergency response program like it would if you're in serious danger. “[This] would be great except that it happens in the absence

Low Empathy Associated with Borderline Personality Disorder …

New research suggests an explanation for the relationship difficulties experienced by people with borderline personality disorder. Investigators from the University of Georgia used functional magnetic resonance imaging …