Category Archives: Schizophrenia

Why We Need to Rethink Mental Healthcare | Idea Forge

What does it mean to have a mental illness in America?

Perceptual Disturbances Not a Major Predictor of Schizophrenia Onset

A new study has found that perceptual disturbances — a milder form of full-blown hallucinations — are not necessarily predictive symptoms of schizophrenia.

BU Today | Boston University

… help is close by. Even so, many students suffer in silence. But those who've sought help want others to know that things do get easier with help, that going to a mental health professional isn't a reflection of a personal failing, and that they are not alone. … Preventing alcohol abuse is the top priority of Wellness & Prevention Services at Student Health Services (SHS), says director Katherine Mooney (SPH'12). With anxiety and depression sweeping college campuses, …

A Shocking Way to Fix the Brain – Technology Review

Neurosurgeons hope to treat some of the most intractable mental disorders by putting advanced arrays of electrodes into patients' brains.

This Is What Living With Schizophrenia Is Really Like – BuzzFeed …

BuzzFeed News spoke to four people diagnosed with schizophrenia about the importance of destigmatising the condition and providing access…