Category Archives: Schizophrenia

Database Translates Schizophrenia Research Into One 'Language'

SchizConnect, a new meta-database that translates all clinical schizophrenia studies into a single scientific “language,” has been launched to help researchers long stymied by inconsistent findings between traditionally small …

Protein findings open new avenues to understanding and treatment …

Stem cells from adult schizophrenia patients form new proteins more slowly than those from healthy people, according to new research.

The 5 Most Common Misconceptions About Mental Illness …

Believing these common myths about mental illness is keeping us sick.

5 Lies Ruining Your Mental Health | Psychology Today

Believing these common myths about mental illness is keeping us sick.

Protein findings open new avenues to understanding, treatment of …

Stem cells from adult schizophrenia patients form new proteins more slowly than those from healthy people, according to new research. The findings are enhancing understanding of how schizophrenia affects the workings of …