Category Archives: Schizophrenia

Neuroimaging Parses Networks Tied to Schizophrenia Symptoms …

New brain imaging research has shown how different brain networks contribute to distinct sub-symptoms of schizophrenia — distinctions that are not recognizable.

Decrease Stigma: Social Anxiety Disorder Is Not Shyness | Surviving …

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a stigmatized disorder, and we need to separate social anxiety disorder and shyness to decrease stigma (What Is Stigma?). Some people say that people with SAD are just shy, which is …

Separating Social Anxiety Disorder and Shyness –

Social anxiety disorder is a double edged sword of misunderstanding but you need to separate social anxiety and shyness to decrease stigma. On the one side, we've got people saying that we're just shy, which is perceived …

Mental Health First Aid Program Comes to NYC | Al Jazeera America

A daylong training program that teaches volunteers to recognize and respond to mental health crises will soon be offered to a quarter of a million New Yorkers, in a bid to make such training as common as that for CPR or first …

Book about mental illness — created by a Jewish father and son …

“Challenger Deep” may be fiction, but it is written from the experiences that Shusterman had parenting Brendan as he went through many diagnoses for mental illness during his teen years. In his acceptance remarks at the …