Category Archives: Schizophrenia

This Is What It's Like To Live With Schizophrenia – Healthy Organic

Schizophrenia is a chronic and disabling — but treatable — brain disorder affecting more than 21 million people worldwide. Of those people, only half receive treatment. Symptoms, which usually begin between ages 16 and …

Mayo Clinic researchers identify six potential biomarkers for bipolar I …

Mayo Clinic researchers have discovered a series of proteins that could be diagnostic markers to identify bipolar I disorder. If this discovery sample can be validated through replication these markers may help as a diagnostic .

New schizophrenia treatments may be effective for subgroup of …

Mounting evidence indicates that disturbances in the brain's glutamate pathway contribute to symptoms of schizophrenia. Thus, the glutamate pathway has become the target of a number of new drug therapies. Findings …

Sanofi – For Better Mental Health Care in Madagascar | 3BL Media

Multimedia from this Release. Multimedia with summary. Tuesday, December 8, 2015 – 10:55am. Sanofi has launched in 2008 in Madagascar a training programme for healthcare professionals to help for a better mental health care.

Reform model not yet helping people with mental illness

People who are diagnosed with mental health conditions did not see improvements in coordination and quality of care as hoped but did not experience large cuts in access as some had feared under an early alternative …