Category Archives: UCLA

Submission: Professors must work to understand, help students with …

I wanted to talk to you about what this looks like practically, because, as indicated by your responses to her, I am led to believe you don't fully know what treatment for her mental illness looks like. My best friend's treatment is …

'Shtick not Shtigma' targets misconceptions about mental illness …

Marcia Meldrum, producer and associate researcher in the History and Social Studies of Medicine group at the Semel Institute, said the school collaborated with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health to …

Schizophrenic Woman, 9 Months Pregnant, Disappears From …

A schizophrenic woman who was nine months pregnant walked away from a Moreno Valley hospital Monday morning, according to the Riverside County Sheriff's Department, prompting investigators to ask for the public's …

Can USG combat USC's mental health stigma? | Daily Trojan

Before this year, USC was a campus without a strong culture of mental health awareness. But things might be changing now. In the past couple of months, the Undergraduate Student Government has led a campaign to break …

Five Factors Improving the State of Mental Health Care …

Improved care coverage, technology integration, employer involvement, provider collaboration and a new social paradigm are all helping to drive change and improve the way mental health care is accessed and delivered.