Category Archives: Research

31 Important Mental Health Tips You Should Try Right Now

I've struggled with feeling like my mental health issues aren't really that bad and that has very much affected how and when I seek treatment. My therapist told me that no matter how mild or how severe, my depression matters …

This Is What It's Like To Live With Schizophrenia – Healthy Organic

Schizophrenia is a chronic and disabling — but treatable — brain disorder affecting more than 21 million people worldwide. Of those people, only half receive treatment. Symptoms, which usually begin between ages 16 and …

People Open Up About Why They Take Medication For Their Mental …

There seems to be a pretty big stigma around taking medication for your mental health. So, we asked a few people to open up about the role medication plays in their lives.

Hayden Panettiere Returns To The Red Carpet After Receiving …

The couple attended the Ein Herz für Kinder Gala 2015 in Berlin, Germany, just two months after Panettiere sought treatment for postpartum depression. The 26-year-old actress looked gorgeous in a black ensemble, featuring …

Use a treatment for PTSD that actually works | TheHill

Research has shown that the practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM) generates significant reductions in PTSD symptoms.