"I heard so many stories when I was pregnant with North of moms who never ate their placenta with their first baby and then had postpartum depression, but then when they took the pills with their second baby, they did not …
Category Archives: Research
Majority of students experience mental health issues, says NUS …
The survey, released as MPs meet to discuss student mental health, also shows 54% don't seek help.
19 Moms Talk About Postpartum Mental Illness – BuzzFeed
19 Moms Talk About Postpartum Mental Illness. “I felt like I wanted to pick up a baseball bat and walk down the street smashing windshields.” posted on Dec. 13, 2015, at 11:29 a.m.. Morgan Shanahan. BuzzFeed Staff. Tweet. Tumblr. Stumble.
This Is What Postpartum Depression Feels Like – BuzzFeed
BuzzFeed Life asked a group of mothers who were diagnosed with postpartum depression and its related mood disorders about the moment they knew they needed help. ID: 7563146 …
This Is What It Feels Like To Recover From Maternal Mental Illness
Maternal mental illness is the No. 1 complication of pregnancy and childbirth in the United States. BuzzFeed Life spoke to a group of mothers about what it feels like to recover from postpartum depression and its related mood disorders.