Category Archives: Research

2015 Changed The Way We Address Mental Illness On TV

The entertainment industry has been notoriously dismissive of those with mental illness, but according to freelance reporter Julie Kliegman, strides have been made this year for more sensitive portrayals on TV. Kliegman, who …

Teach mental health in primary schools, advisory group says …

Young people on NHS-affiliated panel say placing subject on national curriculum is key to helping prevent problems in later life.

Holiday season can aggravate PTSD; local vet encourages …

Reyes deals with veterans suffering from PTSD every day as a senior mentor and coordinator at the 13th District Circuit Veteran's Treatment Court and knows the holidays can be extremely emotional for service vets.

Alcohol Abuse Kicks Infection Risk up 15X // Cognitive Behavioral …

Alcohol Abuse Kicks Infection Risk up 15X // Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Powerful Pain Treatment // and More! Elizabeth Hofheinz, M.P.H., M.Ed. • Thu, December 24th, 2015. Print this article. Alcohol Abuse Kicks Infection Risk up 15X.

New payment approaches for mental health services

Monitor – These documents provide support for commissioners and providers of mental healthcare to shift to new payment approaches. Monitor – publications.