Category Archives: Research

Palin ties son's arrest to PTSD, says it's evidence of need for new …

Follow this link: Palin ties son's arrest to PTSD, says it's evidence of need for new …

Sarah Palin cites son's PTSD at Trump rally after his domestic …

"What my own son is going through, what he is going through coming back, I can relate to other families who feel ramifications of PTSD and some of the woundedness that our soldiers do return with," she told the audience at a …

Sarah Palin Blames Son's Arrest On PTSD, And His PTSD On Obama

Credit: Sarah Palin Blames Son's Arrest On PTSD, And His PTSD On Obama

Let's Stop Treating Mental Illness Like It's a Crime – Huffington Post

Jails and prisons are where too many people with mental illness are receiving, or rather not receiving, treatment. 2. A jail cell is unlikely to be a place of healing. Here's one more thing we're starting to realize: There's a better …

Small Study Sees Differences in Brains of Soldiers With PTSD …

Source article: Small Study Sees Differences in Brains of Soldiers With PTSD …