Category Archives: Research

Seton: Violent incidents point to need for mental health care | KXAN …

The recent violence incident in Oregon is reviving a deep discussion about mental illness and the need for a comprehensive approach to menta…

Postpartum Depression: It's real | WTTV CBS4Indy

While most of my blog topics have been positive in nature, this one is more serious because it's SO important. I had NO idea how common postpartum depression is for new moms. In fact, postpartum depression is the most …

Anxiety: The Most Common Mental Health Diagnosis in College …

“We have all become less able to tolerate ambiguity and the unknown due to the incredible technological advances we have seen,” says Carrie Landa, director of Behavioral Medicine at Student Health Services. “Immediacy is …

John Oliver: Stop blaming gun violence on mental illness – Tech …

On the most recent episode of "Last Week Tonight," John Oliver pointed out how foolish it is to blame gun violence on mental illness — and then deftly pivoted into a discussion on how desperately we need better mental …

The UN's Sustainable Development Goals: Global Schizophrenia …

The UN Sustainable Development Summit last week projected a new set of 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) for the next 15 years to replace the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that were in place from 2000 …