Category Archives: Research

NFL players talk openly to help destigmatize mental illness | KRQE …

In this Saturday, Nov. 21, 2015, photo, Houston Texans running back Arian Foster, left, and New York Jets receiver Brandon Marshall talk about overcoming mental health issues in Houston. Foster has joined Marshall's …

Neuroimaging Parses Networks Tied to Schizophrenia Symptoms …

New brain imaging research has shown how different brain networks contribute to distinct sub-symptoms of schizophrenia — distinctions that are not recognizable.

Cognitive behavior therapy can help overcome fear of the dentist …

Cognitive behavioural therapy could help many people with a dental phobia overcome their fear of visiting the dentist and enable them to receive dental treatment without the need to be sedated, according to a new study by …

Decrease Stigma: Social Anxiety Disorder Is Not Shyness | Surviving …

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) is a stigmatized disorder, and we need to separate social anxiety disorder and shyness to decrease stigma (What Is Stigma?). Some people say that people with SAD are just shy, which is …

Separating Social Anxiety Disorder and Shyness –

Social anxiety disorder is a double edged sword of misunderstanding but you need to separate social anxiety and shyness to decrease stigma. On the one side, we've got people saying that we're just shy, which is perceived …