Category Archives: PTSD

Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Medication | Creative …

People with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder are no strangers to taking medication. Often, they take multiple medications, like me. I take so much medication I have trouble keeping track of it. But I take medication for …

Soldier, combat dog share PTSD diagnosis, road to recovery | Article …

Up at 5 a.m., retired Staff Sgt. Matthew Bessler often speaks his first words of the day to his dog, Mike, who lives with him now in Powell, Wyoming, and who has deployed with him twice to Iraq.

Panic Disorder Linked to Physical Illnesses | Psych Central News

The researchers found a high association between panic disorder, bipolar disorder, and physical illness. Saliently, they discoverer a significantly higher prevalence of certain physical illnesses among patients with panic …

Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Ableism | Creative …

People with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder deal with stigma every day, but they have to deal with ableism as well. Ableism assumes that everyone functions at the normative capacity; and that's just not true, …

The PTSD River Cure | Children & Nature Network

The PTSD River Cure. So an Irish American, a Mexican American, an African American, an Asian American, and an Irish-Ukranian-Filipino American walk into a bar. Actually, it's a breakfast bar. It's zero dark thirty on a cold …