Category Archives: PTSD

Living with Panic Attacks | Psych Central

She defined a panic attack as the brain, suddenly and out of the blue, engaging the emergency response program like it would if you're in serious danger. “[This] would be great except that it happens in the absence

Possible new weapon against PTSD: Blocking a newly identified …

Studies have shown that trauma victims are more likely to develop PTSD if they have previously experienced chronic stress, and a new study from MIT may explain why. The researchers found that animals who underwent …

Possible new weapon against PTSD | MIT News

Studies have shown that trauma victims are more likely to develop PTSD if they have previously experienced chronic stress, and a new study from MIT may explain why. The researchers found that animals who underwent …

Low Empathy Associated with Borderline Personality Disorder …

New research suggests an explanation for the relationship difficulties experienced by people with borderline personality disorder. Investigators from the University of Georgia used functional magnetic resonance imaging …

Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder and Sexism | Creative …

Schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder are usually not thought of as having anything to do with sexism. But for me, the depression that would turn into my bipolar disorder that would turn into my schizoaffective disorder …