Category Archives: PTSD

Three PTSD Myths: Ending Stigma of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder …

There are many myths about posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Due to the stigma of mental illnesses such as PTSD, myths are common. The best way to address a myth is by educating people with the truth. So here are …

Nobody Processes Emotion: A PTSD Sufferer's Step-By-Step Guide …

My version of PTSD, that I am on government disability for, is mainly described through explanations of social anxiety and agoraphobia. Those are pretty words. They even make me sound like a cute nervous little fellow.

Debunking the Myth of Mental Weakness in PTSD Sufferers …

One of the biggest myths about posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is that those who suffer from it have some sort of mental weakness because they developed PTSD. I understand why people think that way. When I was …

The Effectiveness of Talk Therapies for Bipolar Disorder | Psych …

Lithium, the first drug treatment used for bipolar disorder, was considered so effective when it was introduced that medication has been the primary focus of.

You Should Be Watching You’re the Worst

By Terri Schwartz The television landscape is currently an embarrassment of riches, with more quality TV on the air (and streaming!) than any person can reasonably keep up with. That’s why it might have been easy to miss You’re the Worst, an ensemble comedy set in Los Angeles that premiered on FX la …