Category Archives: PTSD

Borderline Personality Disorder: Facts vs. Myths | World of Psychology

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a serious psychiatric condition marked by a pattern of unstable and stormy relationships, an unformed sense of identity, chronic feelings of emptiness and boredom, unstable moods, …

Brief cognitive-behavioral therapy helps those with problematic …

Engaging in brief, cognitive-behavioral therapy is an effective treatment for helping people with problematic caffeine use lower their caffeine consumption, according to a new study coauthored by Laura M. Juliano, Ph.D., …

Do I Have Avoidant Personality Disorder? | Ask the Therapist

From a teen in Canada: I have been formally diagnosed with major depressive disorder and social anxiety disorder and have been taking steps to deal with them. Recently I discovered Avoidant Personality Disorder and the …

Zócalo Public Square :: How PTSD Nearly Stole My Life

The clinical name for what I'm struggling with is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), an anxiety disorder where the “fight-or-flight” responses triggered by a terrifying event can't be turned off. PTSD reminds me of an evil thief …

Do I Have Antisocial Personality Disorder? | Ask the Therapist

Some of your symptoms might be indicative of disorders other than antisocial personality disorder. For example, feeling detached, different, alienated, and lacking emotion, could be a sign of depression. It's common for people …