The horror of combat is something many veterans live with, but a new study at UCLA is underway to see if administering mild electrical currents into the brain can reset its networks for those dealing with post-traumatic stress …
Category Archives: PTSD
Veterans Are Pioneering Spiritual and Hallucinogenic Medial …
Regardless of one's opinion of war, most people can agree that taking care of soldiers when they come home is literally the least we can do. But soldiers are coming back with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and over 8,000 of them take their …
The VA Currently Does Not Provide Service Dogs to Veterans With …
However, as Lyle, a full-time student at Texas A&M, told TheBlaze, the VA does not provide service dogs for veterans suffering with a mental disability after returning from active duty, such as PTSD. Lyle said his main focus, …
Canine PTSD: how the US military's use of dogs affects their mental …
In 2014 about 5-10% of deployed military working dogs showed signs of canine PTSD – but the disorder can affect dogs far away from battlefields too.
Treating PTSD: psychologists look to the fear-reduction effects of …
American psychologists are hoping to treat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with a recommendation so well-worn by family physicians, it almost seems mundane: exercise. The nascent field of research has …