Category Archives: PTSD

What I Want You to Know about Mental Illness | World of Psychology

What I Want You to Know about Mental Illness. By Whitney Hawkins ~ 2 min read. Even on my worst days, I feel extremely lucky to have my job. It grants me the opportunity to hear stories and engage with people in the most …

Those with Severe Mental Illness Rarely Tested for Diabetes …

Despite the fact that individuals with severe mental illness (SMI) are two to three times more likely to have type II diabetes than the general population, low-income patients on Medicaid are rarely screened for it, according to a …

OCD, Social Anxiety Disorder, and Treatment | Psych Central

Recently, I've been reading some articles on social anxiety, and it struck me how many of the situations and symptoms reminded me of my son Dan when he was in the throes of severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Exercise May Be Treatment Option for PTSD, and Other News

Seven to eight percent of the population develop PTSD at some point. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and prolonged exposure therapy (PE) can both treat symptoms. Many people experiencing PTSD continue to …

Bipolar Disorder and ADHD Combined | Bipolar Laid Bare

That means that in the mental illness cluster that includes things like ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, PTSD, OCD and substance abuse, ADHD and bipolar disorder are often found alongside at least one …