Shooting, drugs, and poverty are among the issues that are causing PTSD in kids on the west side.
Children on west side showing signs of PTSD in midst of shootings …
Shooting, drugs, and poverty are among the issues that are causing PTSD in kids on the west side.
There seems to be a pretty big stigma around taking medication for your mental health. So, we asked a few people to open up about the role medication plays in their lives.
Research has shown that the practice of Transcendental Meditation (TM) generates significant reductions in PTSD symptoms.
Marcia Meldrum, producer and associate researcher in the History and Social Studies of Medicine group at the Semel Institute, said the school collaborated with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health to …
I have complex ptsd from a horrible childhood. I wish I knew about before I got married and had kids. I would have gotten it under control and worked out a strategy to keep me grounded. My husband is completely insensitive …