Category Archives: PTSD

Helping police cope with PTSD |

And instead of dealing with the emotional turmoil from those experiences, they learn to just "suck it up." After the recent San Bernardino mass shooting, an officer said it was like a horror story that gave him nightmares.

Here's What 21 Black People Have To Say About Getting Therapy

Mental illness can affect anyone, but for people of color, the experience of the illness itself is often compounded (or even caused) by racism, microaggressions, and community-specific stigma. Racism and stereotypes about …

21 Black People Give Their Best Advice For Taking Care Of Your …

One of the major things holding me back from pursuing more mental health care and (more so) medicinal intervention is how people will interpret my seeking a prescription. Black people are already considered “delinquents,” …

What PTSD Really Looks Like – BuzzFeed

What PTSD Really Looks Like. “It may never be the same, but it can get better.” posted on Dec. 10, 2015, at 5:00 p.m.. Niki Ang. BuzzFeed, Video Fellow. Tania Safi. BuzzFeed Motion Pictures Staff. Tweet. Tumblr. Stumble. Bookmark it …

These People Shared What Their PTSD Really Looks Like – BuzzFeed

These People Shared What Their PTSD Really Looks Like. “It may never be the same, but it can get better.” posted on Dec. 10, 2015, at 5:00 p.m.. Niki Ang. BuzzFeed, Video Fellow. Tania Safi. BuzzFeed Motion Pictures Staff. Tweet. Tumblr.