Category Archives: PTSD

Possible mechanism for specific symptoms in bipolar disorder …

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet, and the Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University in Sweden have identified a gene variant linked to psychotic symptoms and cognitive impairment in people with bipolar disorder.

Ex-Cop Confronts Mother-in-Law Who Says He's Using PTSD As …

Robert spent 20 years on the police force until 2014, when he says an arrest-gone-wrong nearly took his life. Since then, he retired and has been living with severe injuries and fighting debilitating symptoms of PTSD. Unable …

People living with PTSD explain what it's really like to live with their …

But, oftentimes, the civilian public doesn't know what PTSD really looks like. In this video, people living with PTSD talk about what caused their stresses, what it's like to live with the condition, and how they manage to find light …

The Politics of Mental Illness: Chicken Soup for the Mind | World of …

Want a bigger head scratcher than your daily Sudoku game? Presidential candidates' ambivalence toward mental health. Forget defunding Planned Parenthood or denouncing the Syrian refugee crisis, presidential …

This Is What Postpartum Depression Feels Like – BuzzFeed

BuzzFeed Life asked a group of mothers who were diagnosed with postpartum depression and its related mood disorders about the moment they knew they needed help. ID: 7563146 …