The idea that people might be paying particular attention to what you do makes a lot of kids anxious. Some kids feel so anxious that they develop something called social anxiety disorder, which is diagnosed when you worry so much about …
Category Archives: Psychosis
Has cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis been oversold …
CBT is a recommended treatment for schizophrenia in the UK, but how strong is the evidence that it works? Keith Laws suggests it's not as strong as we might hope.
Do psychiatrists really think that everyone is crazy…
A diagnosis of mental illness is more common than ever – did psychiatrists create the problem, or just recognise it?
Children of older men at greater risk of mental illness, study …
Research finds children born to fathers aged over 45 were more likely to have mental health problems and do poorly at school.
‘My son is mentally ill,’ so listen up
“More than 60 million adults and about 15 million children in America suffer some form of mental disorder. That’s one in every four adults, one in five children. Far fewer live with a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder or severe depression, but the numbers are still large: 13.6 million adults and about […]