Category Archives: Psychosis

Does He Have Schizoaffective Disorder & What Is the Right …

My son came home from Colorado and has been drinking and smoking pot for about a year. When he came home he was a little paranoid but ok. He went to see some.

Doc Ayomide: Post Partum Depression – A New Mother's Unwanted …

Post-pregnancy depression (also known as postpartum or postnatal depression) is a common mental health problem in new mothers, even if they've had children. And if you wondering just how common, we're talking 1 in 10 …

Cognitive impairment in first-episode mania: a systematic review of …

Source:  Cognitive impairment in first-episode mania: a systematic review of …

Doc Ayomide: The Misconception About Bipolar Disorder – BellaNaija

So the other day on the Fox show, Empire, one of the main characters experienced a bipolar episode, and on Twitter, a mental health advocate went into rant mode. The character was Andre, and the Twitter rant was Bassey …

Beth McLoughlin

Theatre provides stimulus for psychotic, schizophrenic and depressed patients, but can it improve their mental health? … Yet this is to miss the point, since Pordeus is an activist as much as a doctor; he seeks to challenge mainstream ideas about illness and treatment, and that is bound to stir protest. In wider perspective, the Madness Hotel performances, with their songs and costumes, can be seen as a continuation of Brazilian cultural traditions. Samba