BuzzFeed News spoke to four people diagnosed with schizophrenia about the importance of destigmatising the condition and providing access…
Category Archives: Psychosis
Low self-recognition and awareness of past hypomanic and manic …
In a reappraisal study from the Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Study (NEMESIS), we further investigated 40 respondents with lifetime bipolar disorder confirmed by the structured clinical interview for DSM-IV …
Before working in psychiatry, I didn't think mental health problems …
I had learnt a little about mental health and had some understanding of depression and self-harm, but I still carried misconceptions. I had painted a picture in my head of a ward filled with violent, manic patients, unable to care …
How Those With Schizophrenia Misinterpret Social Cues | Psych …
People who suffer from schizophrenia often misinterpret social cues, which can lead to unpleasant and often paranoid or persecutory thoughts. A new study.
Why America's Top Mental Health Researcher Joined Alphabet
Insel notes the obvious: wealthy tech companies have realized that health care is a bigger business than software and gadgets (it's about 20 percent of the U.S. GDP), and so it's one they should get into. But he says he also …