Category Archives: Psychosis

Mental illness one of development's 'invisible crises', says IMC …

International Medical Corps adviser highlights cases of depression in Syria and psychosis in South Sudan, but says people with mental illness are marginalised.

Imagination and the Diametric Model of Mental Illness | Psychology …

Originally posted here:  Imagination and the Diametric Model of Mental Illness | Psychology …

Risk Factors Help Predict Violence in Adults with Mental Illness …

New research suggest three factors increase the risk of violent behavior among people with mental illness. Investigators discovered alcohol use, engagement in violent behavior, or being the victim of violent behavior predict …

Telling the Story of Serious Mental Illness | Psychology Today

These are the students who were unlucky enough to be diagnosed with a serious mental illness sometime during their college career. When they got sick, their illness forced them to withdraw from classes, and they have never …

Treating Mental Illness: Laura's Law | FOX40

"And after Laura was killed I realized someone else's mental health problem…became my family's problem….and how someone's mental health problem became our community's problem," said Amanda Wilcox, Laura's mother …