Category Archives: Psychosis

Time to Update the Mental Health Services Act | Rusty Selix …

Economic Outlook Remains Positive, but homeless numbers increase. Time to Update the Mental Health Services Act. November 23, 2015. Last week two very important sets of numbers were released showing the disconnect …

California Case Shows How Mental Health Cuts Overload ERs …

States cut five billion dollars in mental health services from 2009 to 2012, according to USA Today. A new article online in Annals of Emergency.

Cutting the Soul: A journey into the mental illness of a teenager …

Mothers of those with mental illness share a special burden that they rest of us can only begin to imagine. They have raised and loved a person, but that person seems to have disappeared. In her book, Cutting the Soul: A …

We need to talk about mental illness, community forum told | Share …

Mental health issues, if left ignored by parents, could destroy children's lives and even lead to death as almost was the case with Karen Carrington who migrated with her parents from Trinidad & Tobago to Ottawa in the 1970s.

Mental health needs urgent extra funding to avert crisis, say trust …

In 2015-16 that fell to 11% – a transfer of funding from mental health to acute trusts. Nationally, mental ill-health currently accounts for more than 25% of the total disease burden, but mental health services receive less than …