Category Archives: Psychosis

Changes in Brain Connectivity May Protect Against Bipolar Disorder …

Why do some individuals develop bipolar disorder while their high-risk siblings do not? A new study has found that naturally occurring changes in brain wiring may help people at high genetic risk of developing bipolar avert …

Forensic Psychiatric Patients Don't Blame Mental Illness for Crimes …

Offenders sentenced to forensic psychiatric care do not consider their mental illness to be the main reason for their crimes. Instead, they point to abuse,

Guerilla Tactics Tied to Greater PTSD Risk for Vets | Psych Central …

Veterans who have faced guerilla warfare tactics, such as suicide attacks and roadside bombs, are at greater risk for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than those who fought in more conventional warfare, according to a …

When the Sun Bursts: The Enigma of Schizophrenia – New Books …

In his second visit with New Books in Psychoanalysis, Christopher Bollas elucidates his thinking about schizophrenia. But he also does more than that; because his beginnings as a clinician are intimately intertwined with the …

Mouse Study: Diet May Reduce Schizophrenia Symptoms | Psych …

A ketogenic diet high in fat and extremely low in carbohydrates and sugars may be very helpful for patients with schizophrenia, according to a new mouse study.