Category Archives: Poverty

Schizophrenia at the UN: “The Post 2015 Sustainable Development …

With great fanfare, last September the United Nations adopted the “Post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda,” a seemingly laudable agenda containing 17 goals from “End Poverty in All Its Forms Everywhere,” through …

Psychiatrists identify barriers to effective mental healthcare

Three psychiatrists on Saturday identified cultural beliefs, traditions, ignorance, low level of education and poverty as some of the factors hindering effective treatment of mental disorders in Nigeria. They spoke in separate …

Review: PTSD resources lacking for nonveterans – Medical Xpress

Among the sources of PTSD in civilian life are natural disasters such as tornadoes. New research finds that information and access to care need improvement for nonveterans. Credit: MadriCR/Wikimedia Commons.

Could Ketamine Be Used to Vaccinate for Depression or PTSD?

Depression is the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 30 percent of Americans at some point in their lives. But despite half a century of research, ubiquitous advertising, and blockbuster sales, …

A Vaccine for Depression? – Nautilus

They treat depression as if it were caused by a chemical imbalance: Pump in more of one key ingredient, or sop up another, and you will have fixed the problem. Beck_BR-2 Prepared: One day, soldiers heading into combat could be … “I really do think stress is to mental illness as cigarettes are to heart disease,” says Gerard Sanacora, the psychiatry professor running the ketamine trial at Yale. The theory describes stress grinding down individual neurons gradually, as …