Category Archives: Phobia

Mental Illness on Television in 2015 | Flavorwire

Television's defining trait as a medium is its length. We spend anywhere from four to 24 hours a year with our shows, which breeds both intimacy (hence, "our shows") and inevitable frustrations.

The Politics of Mental Illness: Chicken Soup for the Mind | World of …

Want a bigger head scratcher than your daily Sudoku game? Presidential candidates' ambivalence toward mental health. Forget defunding Planned Parenthood or denouncing the Syrian refugee crisis, presidential …

Report Implicates Societal, Health Care Systems In Early Mortality of …

In general, people with mental disorders tend to die decades earlier than the general population, mostly as a result of preventable and treatable chronic.

Postpartum Depression, Christmas Rage: CNN Scrambles to Cover …

Even after the revelation that Farook Syed's wife, Tashfeen Malik, posted allegiance to ISIS during the San Bernardino massacre, the media is still frantically scrambling to retain the workplace violence narrative. ABC News' …

What is Social Anxiety Disorder, and Do You Have It? – Harley Therapy

Social anxiety disorder is not just shyness, it also involves worries and fears about social interaction that makes everyday activities a challenge.