Category Archives: Personality Disorders

Three PTSD Myths: Ending Stigma of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder …

There are many myths about posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Due to the stigma of mental illnesses such as PTSD, myths are common. The best way to address a myth is by educating people with the truth. So here are …

Having borderline personality disorder helps me in my NHS job …

For five years I was passed from one mental health professional to another. These appointments were months apart, often less than half an hour, and I wasn't offered any treatment. I was asked to remove my clothing, and a …

Debunking the Myth of Mental Weakness in PTSD Sufferers …

One of the biggest myths about posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is that those who suffer from it have some sort of mental weakness because they developed PTSD. I understand why people think that way. When I was …

Captain’s Log: Status Update

Depression is a bitch. I’ve been thinking a lot about my life lately. Suicide feels more and more like a viable option as time goes on. People who say they love me and that I love in return keep telling me that it isn’t worth it and that everything will get better soon if I just keep at it. But what …

How to Treat Borderline Personality Disorder (Part 2) | Psych Central …

This negative view is destructive to treatment. As soon as the therapist views the patient negatively, the therapist is feeding into one of the patient's unhealthy “modes” (see How to treat Borderline Personality Disorder (Part 1).