Category Archives: Panic

When Your Roommate Has Bipolar Disorder | Relationships and …

Those effects can be felt more acutely by those who live with someone suffering with a mental illness. When your roommate has bipolar disorder — or any other mental illness — they may unwittingly be responsible for taking …

Inability to 'read' faces may be inherited trait of panic disorder …

Canadian researchers found kids whose parents have panic disorder make more errors recognizing fearful faces, and misattributed fear and angry expressions as surprised. Girls also made more errors reading sad faces, and …

Canine PTSD: how the US military's use of dogs affects their mental …

In 2014 about 5-10% of deployed military working dogs showed signs of canine PTSD – but the disorder can affect dogs far away from battlefields too.

Treating PTSD: psychologists look to the fear-reduction effects of …

American psychologists are hoping to treat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with a recommendation so well-worn by family physicians, it almost seems mundane: exercise. The nascent field of research has …

Adrenaline Rushes and Bipolar Disorder | Breaking Bipolar …

I was thinking about adrenaline and bipolar disorder the other day after I got the hang off the side of the CN Tower, the tallest, free-standing structure in the Western Hemisphere. Taking the Edge Walk, as they call it, around …