Category Archives: Panic

This Is What Postpartum Depression Feels Like – BuzzFeed

BuzzFeed Life asked a group of mothers who were diagnosed with postpartum depression and its related mood disorders about the moment they knew they needed help. ID: 7563146 …

This Is What It Feels Like To Recover From Maternal Mental Illness

Maternal mental illness is the No. 1 complication of pregnancy and childbirth in the United States. BuzzFeed Life spoke to a group of mothers about what it feels like to recover from postpartum depression and its related mood disorders.

Exposure to Bullying Linked to Later Mental Illness | Psych Central …

A new study of Finnish children has found that exposure to bullying as a child was associated with psychiatric disorders in adulthood that required.

Report Implicates Societal, Health Care Systems In Early Mortality of …

In general, people with mental disorders tend to die decades earlier than the general population, mostly as a result of preventable and treatable chronic.

21 Black People Give Their Best Advice For Taking Care Of Your …

One of the major things holding me back from pursuing more mental health care and (more so) medicinal intervention is how people will interpret my seeking a prescription. Black people are already considered “delinquents,” …